Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Meet The Team

Hello and welcome to a very special edition of A Dose of Dick. It's been nearly a year since I started my little blog and in that time it's grown from a brief word from me to a full length lifestyle magazine. Over the last few months I've been joined by many members of the CoMH team bringing you brilliant new articles on everything from poo contents to cxelebrity gossip. Today I pay tribute to all the members that help create A Dose of Dick for your reading pleasure.
Dick Smalls, CoMH Chief Executive

1. Dick Smalls

Who he?

The head of CoMH, he's been putting the Dick in A Dose of Dick since early 2009. Dick is of course the founder of the blog and his Picks and Pricks have been entertaining the nation for the best part of a year.

2. Chet Ajabagger

Who he?

Chet is the second in command of CoMH. Chet is a reformed alcoholic and has a degree in journalism and after finally beating his addiction this summer he launched his "Hard News" column which exposes corruption and betrayal. Expect to see a lot more of Chet's work in 2010.

3. Jimmy Dense

Who he?

Jimmy is perhaps the most popular member of the CoMH team, he writes the beloved "What's in my poo this week" and has also contributed such articles as "Celebrity Down's Syndrome". He also fills our quota for mentally handicapped staff. Expect to find out what's in Jimmy's poo next year!

4. Zanzibar Krotchtown

Who he?

Zanzibar is one of the newest members of the CoMH family and is as gay as the day is long. Zanzibar's popular "Hot Gossip" column has been responsible for several exclusives this year including the fact Jordan only has one testicle.

5. O.J. Simpson

Who he?

O.J. is certainly not a murderer, but you know from his "If I Did It" column that if he was a murderer he'd be the best murderer ever.

6. Buzzy Gastro

Who he?

Along side his civil partner Lundy Cupp it's been a while since he last got involved with A Dose of Dick but Buzzy G as he's known to his crew is still out there working hard to help disenfranchised teens, he also contributes to the CoMH cookbook available at all good book shops.

7. Lundy Cupp

Who he?
The Cupp's Half Full was one of the most profound postings on our original blog back on myspace but Lundy has yet to get involved with the blog since we jumped ship to Blogger but don't fret he will be returning in 2010 with more inspirational advice.

8. Ned O'Reilly

Who he?

The newest member of the Dose of Dick team has yet to make his debut, but the loveable Irish rogue will be bringing you fashion tips and ideas. Keep an eye out for Ned because he's gonna be the next big thing in fashion!

9. Lando Bumbadear

Who he?

Well Lando has been with the blog since the beginning but it's unlikely you'll have known of his excistence. He's the head researcher and has been responsible for the Words of Wisdom/ Thought of the Day that's made your life worth living.

10. Merlin Smalls

Who he?

He's the tea boy and creator of all those nifty logos we use here on the blog.

11. John Virgo

Who he?

Former pro snookerer and our new political editor J.V's new column "Political Pot Shot" will be debuting in the new year.

12. Larry Smalls

Who he?

The son of Dick and head of public relations here at CoMH.

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